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  4. 留学生体験記:Clara Noizat

Clara Noizat ピエールエマリーキュリー大学

2015年6月から2か月間、フランス パリのピエール エ マリーキュリー大学 (Université Pierre et Marie Curie) の医学部学生Clara Noizatさんが当科に留学されました。

Dr. Hashimoto offered me to work in Pr. Teshima's lab for two months. It was a great experience about research and about Japan. The lab team was very welcoming. I mostly worked with Dr. Eiko Hayase. She and all the team was very friendly and helpful. They taught me many skills and knowledge about acute and chronic GVHD, team work, research reasoning and methodology. They are tough hard workers but also a lot of fun. I hope to work with them again later.